How RealtyNinja Uses Pulse to Avoid Stress About Cash Flow

Tell us about yourself and your business.

My name is Casimir Loeber and I am co-founder of RealtyNinja. We are a creative agency that specializes in custom web design and development, print and graphic design. We are a tight team that prides itself in our agility and ability to come up with a solution to almost any visual or technical problem. We are located in Vancouver, B.C. Canada and serve clients around the globe.

What were the reasons that lead you to start using Pulse?

As most entrepreneurs will know, there are never enough hours in the day to do the work that pays the bills, let alone the behind the scenes work most of us hate to do. Both my business partner and myself knew from the beginning that we were not the accountant types or even good bookkeepers. What we did know how to do was preserve the paper trail and plug numbers into websites. This lead us to pulse which allowed us to visualize our cash flow before our brains turned to snow with receipts, spread sheets and accordion folders.

If we have a large prospect on the horizon we take 2 seconds to put it in Pulse to see how it effects us; simple as that.

Describe how you use Pulse and how it fits within your accounting workflow.

Before we had a bookkeeper we would simply export our invoice totals from our invoicing system (Freshbooks!) and enter these values as income in pulse. We were pretty good with our expense paper trails and would just go through our credit card and cheque book for these values. As things started to ramp up and consume more time, we hired a bookkeeper and gave her the keys to our pulse account. She was able to pick it up in no time and now all we do is log in every couple of days to see where we are, where we are headed and where we came from. If we have a large prospect on the horizon we take 2 seconds to put it in pulse to see how it effects us; simple as that.

What do you like most about Pulse?

What I like most about pulse is that it turns something that is very number heavy and hard to visualize into something that is easy to look at. I can take a quick look at my Pulse account and see exactly where we miscalculated on a quote and how long it took us to recover from that. The reporting functionality is definitely the strong point with pulse and has the potential to be expanded in many great directions.

I can take a quick look at my Pulse account and see exactly where we miscalculated on a quote and how long it took us to recover from that.

How has Pulse helped your business?

Pulse has taken the fear and stress out of cash flow projection and management. It has seriously made it so that I can sleep better knowing that I am not going to randomly run out of cash tomorrow. It is easy to learn and easy to teach, so integrating it into our work flow was not an issue at all.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I want to say 2 last things. The first being that seeing the blue line climb upwards and the green bars tower over the red, makes me want to dance. Secondly, I can’t wait to see what the people at Pulse will cook up next.